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Electrical Cable Guides

16mm Twin and Earth Cable 25m Coil (85A)
10mm twin and earth current carrying capacity The table below shows the current carrying capacity of 10mm twin and earth cable. This cable is mainly used for domestic cooker and shower circuits rated at 40A AMP. As you can see the amount of current the cable can take changes depending on how the cable is... Continue Reading 🢂
16mm Twin and Earth Cable 25m Coil (85A)
16mm twin and earth current carrying capacity The table below shows the current carrying capacity of 16mm twin and earth cable. This cable is mainly used for large electric domestic or commercial cooker and shower circuits rated at 50A AMP. As you can see the amount of current the cable can take changes depending on... Continue Reading 🢂
6mm Twin and Earth Cable 25m Coil (47A)
6mm twin and earth current carrying capacity The table below shows the current carrying capacity of 6mm twin and earth cable. This cable is mainly used for domestic cooker and shower circuits rated at 40A AMP. As you can see the amount of current the cable can take changes depending on how the cable is... Continue Reading 🢂
4mm Twin and Earth Cable 25m Coil (37A)
4mm twin and earth current carrying capacity The table below shows the current carrying capacity of 4mm twin and earth cable. This cable is mainly used for Radial socket circuits rated at 32 AMP, also used for immersion heaters and some cookers. As you can see the amount of current the cable can take changes... Continue Reading 🢂
2.5mm Twin and Earth Cable 50m Drum (27A)
2.5mm Twin And Earth Current Carrying Capacity The table below shows the current carrying capacity for 2.5mm twin and earth cable. This cable is mainly used for 32A ring mains and 16A radial socket circuits in domestic houses and offices. As you can see the amount of current the cable can take changes depending on... Continue Reading 🢂
1.5mm Twin and Earth Cable 25m Coil (20A)
1.5mm twin and earth current carrying capacity 1.5mm Twin And Earth Current Carrying Capacity The table below shows the current carrying capacity of 1.5mm twin and earth cable. This cable is mainly used for larger domestic lighting circuits rated at 10 AMP, This is also a common cable to use in shop and office lighting. ... Continue Reading 🢂
Twin And Earth & Flat Cable Technical Specifications
Twin and Earth & Flat Cable Technical Specifications In this post we will talk over all the technical specifications of twin and earth cables, from current carrying capacity through to bend radius and the temperature, environments the cable is designed to be installed in. 1.5mm twin and earth a very common cable to use in... Continue Reading 🢂
Twin and earth cable guide
Here we will run through all the different sizes and current ratings for flat twin and earth cable. The types of gland that should be used and the clips that fit each size. What is twin and earth cable used for ? This cable is mainly used in houses flats and other Domestic dwellings. It... Continue Reading 🢂
Free online SWA Cable Gland size chart - Quickbit UK
Different size diameters and core sizes of Steel Wire Armoured cable will require different installation cable gland sizes. Our convenient SWA Cable Glands Size Reference Chart will help guide you in the right direction. Also, if you visit our SWA cable gland page, we have implemented various filter options to help you quickly find the... Continue Reading 🢂
SWA Cable Gland Pack - BW50

What are Steel Wire Armoured cable glands? In short, installers of SWA cable use cable glands to seal and terminate Steel Wire Armoured cable into an enclosure or electrical box. The gland maintains a weather and dustproof seal preventing dust and moisture from entering the box and also seals and protects the cables outer sheath. SWA Cable glands also prevent the likelihood of a cable detachment or pull out in the event the cable is twisted or pulled.

Main functions:
Protection from the environment – seals the cable’s outer sheath to prevent dust, particles and moisture from the electrical box or enclosure.